Upload active contracts
- Upload active contracts directly from your computer
- Never miss a deadline by setting the lifecycle of the uploaded contract
- Collaborate, email, or send the contract directly to to the vault
Make the sales process seamless with webforms
- Create customized webforms for all members of your organization to fill out when requesting a contract
- Requested contracts go directly into the Requested Contracts folder for easy processing by the legal department
Create and insert custom fields
- Create and insert custom fields directly into the contract
- Insert signature fields to be signed directly with our built-in e-signature tool
Expedite the contract process
AGRE’s contract template features will help your organization save time and money. In today’s competitive world, it has never been more important to expedite the sales process. Countless companies lose thousands of dollars a year from long, drawn-out contract processes.
With AGRE, requesting a contract has never been so easy with automated webforms. After creating a contract template, allow your salespeople direct access to fill out the contract with applicable terms. After filling out the webform, the requested contract goes straight into the Requested Contracts folder for quick and easy processing.