Contract Collaboration

Real-time editing


Track Changes

Real-time editing

Get deals done quicker by streamlining your contract collaboration and markup process. The collaboration process is quick and easy with AGRE’s full-editing capabilities. Tired of switching between programs to fully collaborate across your organization? With AGRE, you can do it all; not only fully collaborate but also chat, comment, track changes, redline, etc.

Quick, timely negotiation between parties is crucial to keep your business revenue flowing. AGRE accomplishes this incorporating ease-of-use with functionality. With AGRE, you will be able to edit, collaborate, and share all contracts using our Only Office API. When inviting others to negotiate on the contract, they can do so within AGRE for free or simply import the document to Word. With our Only Office API, it is easy to edit within Word and upload it back to AGRE. With AGRE, you will be able to enjoy the real-time editing Google Docs provides with the functionality of Microsoft Word.

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