AI Legal Document Assistant

AI Legal Document Assistant

Legal Departments are searching for ways to use artificial intelligence (AI) to increase productivity, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. Legal Departments that utilize Cloud GC, Inc.’s AGRE+ are ahead of the curve, utilizing AI in a variety of ways, such as


Legal Departments utilize our ChatBots to provide all company employees with immediate access to commonly requested legal documents. The AI helps the employee to first identify the document and then provide a link to retrieve the document. The ChatBot can even provide employees with common responses to common questions.

Contract review

Using AI-powered contract review software, contracts may be quickly reviewed. When you review a new contract, with a click of a button, the AI technology will quickly identify and highlight terms that you have previously marked-up and negotiated, AI will also suggest alternative language to make changes to the contract. This can greatly speed-up the review process, allow uniformity among team members and reduce the likelihood of human error.

Legal research

To swiftly find relevant material, AI-powered legal research tools can be used to search through the huge body of case law and statutes for most jurisdictions. This can speed up the process of getting the information legal departments need to address pressing issues.

Contract Drafting

Using AGRE+ AI, legal departments can draft or update existing contracts by generating unique contract clauses modeled from common contract clauses.

Automating the drafting of documents

AGRE+’s AI-driven document automation tools can assist attorneys quickly draft demand letters, termination letters, offer letters, cease and desist letter. Attorneys are able to utilize AI to automatically generate unique content for legal letters and other legal writings.

Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics can assist law firms in identifying possible legal issues and informing their actions.


AGRE+ is the only platform that has no analogues in the world designed by General Counsel for General Counsel. AGRE+ thinks like an attorney, using technology to mimic manual processes.


AGRE+ can replace all the software you use. It’s a lot like having your own team of law clerks solely devoted to making your job more efficient and better organized.


AGRE+ was developed to be an automated, single solution, platform that is intuitive for legal departments.

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